In a Radio Free Geneva today we examined, and refuted, Kerrigan Skelly’s vain attempt to break the Golden Chain of Redemption in Romans 8:28-30.
Here is the YouTube link:
In a Radio Free Geneva today we examined, and refuted, Kerrigan Skelly’s vain attempt to break the Golden Chain of Redemption in Romans 8:28-30.
Here is the YouTube link:
Started off with a solid twenty minutes on the use of lexical sources and, in particular, recognizing the difference between scholarly facts and scholarly interpretation, using the graphics provided immediately below. Then the calls started, and we (expectedly) went over the Caner situation, and the Geisler statement. I told the story of what happened just under a decade ago with
Answered an e-mail question regarding New Testament textual variants and the comparison to the Qur’an, then took phone calls on various subjects from infra/supralapsarianism to baptismal regeneration. Then David from New Mexico called and filled us in on the Pravda, err, Veritas Seminary apologetics conference in Albuquerque this past weekend, where Ergun Caner spoke with armed police standing by. Could
Started off with a statement on the “Burning Qur’an’s” fiasco, took a call on Oneness Pentecostalism from London, concluded my comments on Marc Ayer’s claims, took more calls, and finished up with part of the cross-examination between myself and Robert Sungenis from our debate on Papal Infallibility in Florida.
Spent a lot of time considering the death of Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, and what light it has shone on how most Protestants today understand the Papacy. Spend a solid fifty minutes on that before spending about twenty minutes talking about the pactum salutis, the eternal covenant of redemption, as outlined in the London Baptist Confession of Faith. An hour
Due to scheduling issues with both Rich and I, we will try for a Jumbo DL tomorrow at 6:30pm EDT. Note I said try. I have a busy day, but should be able to make it. Join us then! Currently in “the folder” for the program is the single most absurd act by an “elected official” I have ever encountered,
Heute sprachen wir mit den Mitarbeitern der Europäisches Bibel Trainings Centrum in Berlin, Deutschland. Christian Andresen ist der Gründer und Leiter des EBTC. Er wurde von Theo Friesen, Matthias Fröhlich und Thomas Hochstetter trat. Wir diskutierten über die Arbeit der EBTC und den Status der Kirche in Deutschland und in weiteren europäischen Kontext. Today on the program we interviewed the staff of the European Biblical
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
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James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
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