We were thrown another curve on the exact participant from the Muslim side for the “Jesus in the Qur’an and the Bible” encounter on November 7th, but I have some other details to share with my friends in the New York/Long Island area.
Sunday morning November 8th I will be at the Lynnbrook Baptist Church, 225 Earle Avenue, Lynnbrook, NY for the morning services. Sunday evening I will be at Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Merrick, 36 Smith Street, Merrick.
Monday afternoon, 3PM, I will be giving my NT Reliability presentation (my most popular) at the Transformation Life Center located at 395 Floyd Ackert Road, West Park, NY. Then on Wednesday I will be giving the same presentation at 7:30pm at the New Hyde Park Baptist Church, 635 New Hyde Park Rd., New Hyde Park, NY. It is a relatively short trip, so that’s it. I will be meeting with a man who is doing a film on conversion to Roman Catholicism on Tuesday who would like at least one voice “from the other side.” Pray the Lord gives me clarity of thought and speech in that situation to speak a word of truth.