I first encountered Alpha and Omega several years ago, when looking for apologetics resources. I freely admit that I was a young, ignorant and theologically shallow wannabe apologist, with a heart to defend the faith, but none of the knowledge or theological depth required to do so. Due to the patient teaching (and often correction) of Dr. White and the men and women he has surrounded himself with, I’ve come to an understanding of the doctrines of grace, and been granted a deep and abiding love of the deep truths of God – the theology necessary to truly defend our God, and His Word. Further, I’ve been exposed to such a wide variety of works, authors, fields, disciplines, and apologetic arenas, I can honestly say that there is no better training ground in apologetics and applied theology than at the feet of Dr. White, Rich and the other people peripherally involved in his ministry. I’m now working on church history and apologetics classes for my own fellowship, and seeking to pass on what I’ve learned! I’m deeply indebted to Dr. White, and all of his faithful companions in the ministry of the Word of God – and I look forward eagerly to the day where I am allowed to witness Christ bestowing upon him the crowns he has been graciously gifted to earn, along with a hearty “well done, good and faithful servant.” He is truly an exemplar of Titus 1’s description of the faithful overseer, and carries out 1 Peter 3’s injunctions as we all should aspire to do. We owe this man, and his faithful fellow-bond-servant Rich, a great deal for their faithful, and usually unknown service on behalf of the Kingdom of our Lord.
May they continue to be richly blessed by God through us, as they bless us through their ministry.


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