Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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A Shortened DL
James White, , The Dividing LineWe had some server problems that got us going a bit late, but we pressed on anyway with a discussion of Roman Catholic priests and a review of some comments on the Eucharist. Here’s the slightly shorted (53 minute) program.
On the DL a Few Days Ago…
James White, , The Dividing LineAs I mentioned to the all-knowing Algo, I thought about blogging last Thursday’s DL, and evidently, that was enough, since I then did not do so. So, we continued our response to Sheikh Awal, and took one call on the Caner scandal. Here’s the program.
Reflections on Recent Temple Outreach & Debate: Free Agency, Richard Hopkins, Salt Lake City, Utah, 3/30/2001
James White, , Debate, Mormonism, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineDr. White explains how his debate with Richard Hopkins started late, with an opponent that did not understand Reformed Theology or the use of a Greek lexicon very well. The “mainstreaming” of the LDS image leads to less debating and lower quality responses to Dr. White’s book Letter to a Mormon Elder. A caller asks about Roman Catholicism in relation
For Thursday’s DL…
James White, , The Dividing LineI would like to respond to Dr. Stauffer’s incredible attempt to deal with the translation of Titus 2:13 by the KJV noted earlier on the DL on Thursday. This kind of argumentation reminds me a great deal of Thomas Holland’s attempt to defend the KJV by saying Romans 9:5 is not a proof text for the deity of Christ. Anything
On Tuesday’s Dividing Line: a “Pre-Feed” Portion
James White, , The Dividing LineBack from Toronto, just trying to catch up on “life” today. On Tuesday’s Dividing Line I wish to continue looking at Ahmed Deedat’s attempt to find Muhammad in John 14 and 16, but I was thinking that sometimes the “Deedat Effect” gets lost when I start and stop his presentation and point out all the errors in the process. So,
Yesterday on the DL, Quick Note Before the Big Race
James White, , The Dividing LineLast evening on the Dividing Line we had a three-part program; first a call on what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe about salvation; then I read the majority of a two-part talk given by Joseph Fielding McConkie, LDS scholar and son of Mormon Apostle Bruce R. McConkie (noted below); and then a real quick call and a question on why Romans 8:1
Christians in Canada
James White, , The Dividing LineStarted with a heart-breaking article about a blind Muslim boy killed by his mullah for not memorizing the Qur’an in Pakistan, followed by an article on the simple reality that Canada is not a friendly place for Christians anymore. Then we listened to a response by Tim Staples, newly demoted from “one of the foremost Bible scholars in the Church”
Discussed the Pope’s Illness then Calls
James White, , The Dividing LineSorry, forgot to provide the link to yesterday’s DL! My apologies. Yesterday I started off discussing the illness of the Pope in Rome, and then we took calls.
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